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Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Photo Haiku: Resolution Unresolved

I've eaten too much.
I must resist temptation...
On second thought, nah.

Happy belated Thanksgiving! I hope you all got stuffed one way or another.

Photo courtesy of Expo7000. Original source unkown.


  1. LOL! Love the photo and the haiku. Yeah, you're right. "Nah"! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving celebration.

  2. So is anyone besides me going to say that this looks a lot like a va jay-jay?

    Just saying


  3. Thanks, Little Monkey, and welcome to the site! You have a very interesting blog and I look forward to reading more of it.

    Thanks, Sweets! There are some indulgences I simply cannot forgo.

    Thanks, 1manview!

    Thanks, Baby Girl, but my word, only someone with a dirty mind would ever see something like that in this innocent photo! ;)

  4. What would we day dream about if our lives were nothing but fantasy?
