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Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Photo Haiku: You're Welcome

Like a good neighbor,
She opens her doors and asks,
"Will you stay for lunch?"

Photo courtesy Michelle7, via Art or Porn?.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Photo Haiku: Communication

Her struggle complete,
She waits nervously, hoping
He'd get the message.

Photo by Zoe Grayson, via Scandal Guy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

On the contrary madam, I'll be heating up your butter forthwith!

I came across this lovely old tune this morning.  I don't know how much of a hit it was back in its day, but  it's definitely going into my Greatest Tushist Hits playlist.  Some sample lyrics follow the Youtube audio:
Everybody pinches me butter,
They won't leave me butter alone,
And nothing is better than butter
For keeping the old man at home.
Everybody thinks I'm old-fashioned
To sit on the things that are rationed,
You can pinch all me ham
And me plum and apple jam
But please leve me butter alone.
Isn't butter delicious?
Photo of girl licking girl courtesy of the 50 Lesbians, via the Pink Papers, and modified by Dioneo Daspanca.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Photo Haiku: To a Friend

May your marriage be replete
With love and spankings.

Photo coutesy of Lorem Ipsum, via Afterbeat.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Photo Haiku: I wish I were a bicycle seat...

Let's dust off the bikes!
May I draft in your scent, and
Coast along your curves?

Photo courtesy of ErOOups.com, via Visual Clips.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...there was some spankin' goin' on.

This afternoon at the local nerd council, one of my bespectacled comrades remarked that today was Star Wars Day. I admit that I plum forgot (I know, for shame. You can deduct points from my nerd score). Since there's still a couple of hours left, I figured there was still time to post something in celebration, so here you go...

"You are a part of the Rebel Alliance and a brat!"
If you enjoy spanko-nerd humor and have both a spanking and Star Wars fetish, you might want to check out a piece I posted a while ago: "Some Sunday Silliness."  

Happy Star Wars Day!
May the Fourth be with you!

Still from Star Wars and hairbrush acquired from Google Images.  Composite by Dioneo Daspanca.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Merry Masturbation Month!

Hello, my name is Dioneo, and I'm a masturbator.

As you may already know, May is International Masturbation Month.  While I imagine most visitors to this blog celebrate year-round, I invite you to make a special effort throughout this month to show your appreciation to yourself.  Give yourself a hand--or a toy if that's how you roll--for May is a month where you celebrate you.

Original photo courtesy of Random Nudes, via Cantamar.  Modified by Dioneo Daspanca.