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Thursday, May 19, 2011

On the contrary madam, I'll be heating up your butter forthwith!

I came across this lovely old tune this morning.  I don't know how much of a hit it was back in its day, but  it's definitely going into my Greatest Tushist Hits playlist.  Some sample lyrics follow the Youtube audio:
Everybody pinches me butter,
They won't leave me butter alone,
And nothing is better than butter
For keeping the old man at home.
Everybody thinks I'm old-fashioned
To sit on the things that are rationed,
You can pinch all me ham
And me plum and apple jam
But please leve me butter alone.
Isn't butter delicious?
Photo of girl licking girl courtesy of the 50 Lesbians, via the Pink Papers, and modified by Dioneo Daspanca.


  1. Wow,pretty provocative and cute. Thanks for sharing.

    ...btw, I like butter.


  2. Mmm...butter.

    I wonder what "plum and apple jam" are euphemisms for?

  3. I sent the video to KinkyGent, he sent back the following reply: Now this is "old school" rap music.


  4. Thanks, Hedone! Butter makes most everything better. I think rap inherits more from blues, which tends to be *much* more vulgar than this song (in a very good way).

    Thanks, Pink! If she means what I think she means, then wow, what a slut! ;)
